Strategies for Oracle Java Licensing and Support Post 2019

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Changes to the way Oracle Java is licensed and supported now have an impact for anyone using Oracle Java in commercial situations. This will affect how organisations choose to deploy technologies based on the Java language.  

The following guide explores the key considerations and options for the future licensing and support of Java, covering four crucial areas for enterprise organisations to be aware of:

  1. Changes to how Oracle are supporting Java
  2. Java Licensing – Why a license may now be required when it has not been to date.
  3. Oracle Options – Description of the commercial offering, and that which will remain free.
  4. Other Options – Non-Oracle Java support and patching.


Download the guide to understand how things are changing! 


Version 1 has many years of specialist expertise and experience managing Java installations for our customers. As an independent advisor, we recommend that all organisations using Java should carry out an urgent survey of their Java usage, cataloguing the version number in use, its purpose, and the infrastructure upon which it runs.