Oracle Pool of Funds

Oracle Pool of Funds (PoF) License Agreements

Oracle Pool of Funds (PoF) License Agreements are license agreements where a client pays a fee to Oracle (this being the ‘fund’ in the pool of funds name) and gains the right to draw down licenses from a defined product set at a specific price for the term of the contract or until the PoF is consumed.

Every 6 months during the term of the Pool of Funds, the client is required to provide an Oracle License Declaration Report (LDR) listing the additionally drawn-down Oracle software products as agreed in the Pool of Funds agreement.

Managing This Agreement for Maximum Benefit

As this contract is relatively new to the market and not as prevalent as Unlimited License Agreement (ULA)s, the PoF is not fully understood and organisations can struggle to understand what it is, how it works and how it compares to a ULA. If you do already have a Pool of Funds or are thinking of entering into one, you need to be clear on how to manage this agreement for maximum benefit. Organisations need to understand its limitations and terms, how it fits into any existing SAM frameworks and how to accommodate the ongoing LDR required on a six-monthly basis.

How Can Version 1 Help with Oracle Pool of Funds?

  • Modelling PoF scenarios
  • Reviewing current Pool of Funds processes and assessing whether they are fit for purpose
  • Integrating with existing SAM frameworks taking into account the LDR reporting,
  • Advising on maximisation and flexing strategies for PoF
  • Assisting with mini PoF LDRs

By engaging with Version 1, organisations can benefit from:

  • A greater appreciation of how Pool of Funds work
  • A better understanding of how to fully benefit from a PoF utilising proven processes or integrating into your own SAM framework
  • An assessment of the value for money being delivered by the PoF
  • Guidance on how to manage the LDR process

Version 1’s Oracle License experts are here to guide and inform you through the complexities of Oracle Pool of Funds (PoF) License Agreements, realising full business case ROI. Talk to us today.

Learn more from our license consultant's Fireside Chat videos

Managing your enterprise license estate in this world of technology transformation and rapid change is complex and beset with potential financial risk. That being said, cost optimisation opportunities are possible - you just need to know where to look and what to do.

Our license consultants have recorded several short, informative Fireside Chats on a wide range of software topics and are available to you to listen and learn all things licensing.

Contact us if you have any questions.
SAM YouTube Playlist

Why Version 1?

When it comes to Oracle Pool of Funds, we will always put the customer first. We are technology agnostic, providing a modular plug & play approach to each set of unique customer requirements. We enable clients to make better, more informed decisions on their software estate; understand the options and make the right decision for you. Our priority is to give the best advice, not just to secure licensing revenue.

Reduce Cost & Risk
  • Assessment
  • Advice
  • Procurement
Trusted Advisor
  • Independent
  • Tools Agnostic
  • Experience
Market Leading Expertise
  • Breadth & Scale
  • Technical Background
  • Ongoing Staff Education

82% financial risk reduction

Our optimisation expertise helps to deliver financial risk reduction of over 82% on average during audit scenarios.

£17m to £100k

When engaged our customer was facing a bill of £17m, but through our help this amount became £100k

£5.8m identified non-compliance risks

During a typical review, we find non-compliance risks of over £5.8m

Market Leading Services

License Audit Consulting
Designed to support organisations who are about to be audited or are in the process of being audited by a software vendor.
Our audit services
Cloud Licensing
Version 1 has been working in the cloud for over a decade equipping our SAM experts with both the knowledge and experience to achieve the benefits of cloud computing, removing ambiguity and delivering certainty on software license compliance.
Cloud Licensing
SAM Managed Services
Enables you to maximise and optimise the value you get from your spend. Ensuring that you have full control of your software license estate and giving confidence in your compliance position.
SAM Managed Services

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