Webinar: PeopleSoft in the Cloud: Is it Better? Is it Cheaper?
June 4, 2020
In this informative webinar Graham Smith, Head of PeopleSoft Technology at Version 1, discusses the merits of running PeopleSoft in the Cloud – answering questions including whether you’ll save money, improve service levels and increase resilience.
This webinar addresses some of the hot topics important to customers managing PeopleSoft today: security, patching, performance, monitoring, agility and how migrating PeopleSoft to Cloud can help in these areas.
Graham also examines whether you’ll necessarily be able to do this more cheaply and the extent to which moving to the cloud is a panacea.
We also consider what you should expect from your partner taking you on the journey to running PeopleSoft in the cloud – and how you make sure you achieve an improved service level and reduced risk when in the cloud.
Find out more about Version 1’s PeopleSoft and Cloud capabilities here and follow Version 1 on Twitter or LinkedIn for more related content.
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