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Version 1 Welcomes Announcement to Help Grow ICT Businesses

Pictured: Version 1 CEO Justin Keatinge welcomes Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD, and the Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairi Quinn TD, to Version 1 Headquarters.
The measures, which are part of the Action Plan for Jobs 2013, will enhance Ireland’s standing as the internet capital of Europe and will provide 2,000 additional ICT graduates in the next year through the education system and the employment permits system.
“The first 400 graduates from the ICT conversion programmes are now available,” said Minister Quinn. “The decision by Version 1 to recruit 10 of these graduates demonstrates the potential that exists to significantly expand the pool of talent available to the ICT sector.”
Commenting on the announcement Version 1 CEO Justin Keatinge said “There are in excess of 8,500 open roles in the technology sector in Ireland at the moment. We have grown by 60% in the last two years and forecast growth in the region of 30% in 2013. We welcome and support all initiatives aimed at increasing the availability of ICT graduates.”
He continued, “We took on 10 interns from ICT conversion programmes in January providing them with a work experience placement for 6 months. The programme has been so successful that just three months into the internship we have offered permanent contracts to the majority of the interns. We are committed to these ICT conversion programmes and have already engaged with the colleges with a view to a second intake of interns next year.”