Negotiating Software Contracts
Strategising software contract negotiations and renewals.
Are you about to start software vendor contract negotiations?
Buying enterprise software requires technical and commercial understanding, and a negotiation strategy. Failing to plan will result in a suboptimal contract for your business.
Negotiating with global software vendors takes preparation and teamwork, particularly if the purchase is materially significant for your business. When it comes to the procurement of Enterprise Software or renewing an enterprise contract,
there is more at stake than just getting a good price as these contractual arrangements can impact other areas of the business, such as governance, legal, finance and IT.

Our Approach to Software Contract Negotiations
Our software asset management and license consulting team have in-depth understanding of every phase of the software contract lifecycle and vendor negotiation strategies, motivations, and behaviours.
In conjunction with our Control methodology, we can help you prepare, negotiate and ensure you make contractual decisions that are right for your business.
Watch our short video to Learn more

The Benefits of Independent License Advice & Guidance when Negotiating with your Software Vendor
Negotiating with an enterprise software vendor can be tricky if you are not prepared or unfamiliar with their methods. Engaging with an independent consultant who can advise you on negotiation strategies, validate your proposal, the commercial and contractual arrangement and pricing, will result in longer term benefits and cost effectiveness.
Version 1’s SAM experts Brian Lavelle and Jason Pepper discuss the benefits of independent advice when negotiating with your software vendor and how to get started.