ESG Reporting Hub

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting and modeling solutions for the office of the CFO and sustainability teams.

Collect, analyse, and model disparate ESG data with ease.

Whether your ESG challenges relate to keeping on top of reporting to multiple frameworks, streamlining data collection, modelling ESG outcomes, or streamlining the creation of high-quality ESG content, Version 1 can help. Our end-to-end solutions will reduce the complexity and cost of ESG management.

Flexible ESG Solutions.

Not all businesses are the same, and every ESG journey is different. We recognise this, so our solutions are designed to be totally flexible and scalable. Start with accelerated reporting, expand into full ESG data orchestration, or embed advanced statistical modelling into your ESG plans. We can help in every scenario.

Why change?

How satisfied are you with your current ESG reporting systems and processes?

According to Oracle research, 91% of business leaders face significant challenges in progressing sustainability and ESG initiatives. Solving these challenges is now more urgent than ever with increasing demands for ESG progress from customers, employees, and investors. Is it time for a new approach?

Are your ESG reporting processes highly manual and inefficient?


Collecting, validating, aggregating, and narrating ESG data is time-consuming, highly manual, inefficient, and error-prone.


The Version 1 approach can automate and streamline data collection across multiple stakeholders within your organisation, divisions, and portfolio firms. This eliminates the need for manual spreadsheets, tedious tracking systems, and a blizzard of emails.

How do you keep up with multiple frameworks and new disclosure requirements?


Multiple standards for E, S, and G metrics, including GRI, SASB, TCFD, and many more, complicate the reporting process and add future uncertainty. Add to these industry-specific initiatives, and the burden is growing on sustainability teams.


The Version 1 solution includes pre-built reporting templates for the most popular frameworks and the ability for users to add their metrics and define their own reporting outputs. The solution is entirely extensible and customisable if needed.

What about complex models and reporting?


How do you connect your ESG goals and models to your operational and financial plans? What about reporting ESG metrics for a holding company or a portfolio company?


The Version 1 solution includes advanced modelling, including Machine Learning capabilities, to quickly see the linked impact on ESG and financial goals. It also streamlines the collection and calculation of data at a division or portfolio company level.

ESG Reporting & Analytics for Your Scenario 

Our solutions are designed to align with every ESG scenario. Perhaps you need a data and analytics-focused solution that integrates with upstream data sources, including asset-level, transactional, analytical, or CEMS systems, to quickly calculate and visualise data. Or perhaps you want to connect financial forecasts and plans to quickly see the impact of budget decisions on your organisation’s ESG targets? Whatever your scenario, we have the skills and systems to help.

ESG Solution Overview

ESG Solution Overview


Visually Rich ESG Reporting & Analytics

ESG Reporting screenshot dashboard

from REG-Tech to ESG

Our roots are in Reg-Tech, so we know that the office of the CFO needs process transparency, traceability, and absolute version control to be confident that their ESG reports are the single source of truth for the business. Our solutions deliver this. Our platform automates data collection, utilises multiple frameworks, can audit everything, and allows teams to seamlessly collaborate throughout the process.

Intelligent ESG Reporting Platform

A complete solution that includes ESG data orchestration, advanced modellings, such as “What-If” analysis, full integration of ESG data into popular tools like Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint, and workflow-controlled advanced narrative reporting and pixel-perfect report books.

What makes the Version 1 ESG Reporting solutions so successful?

Data Orchestration
Version 1 Cloudbridge is a data-agnostic data integration and management product designed for non-technical finance teams. It sits at the core of our ESG solutions to automate the collection of data from systems and people across disparate locations. It can automate the collection and transformation of data with complete traceability. It will save thousands of hours of data collection and manipulation.
Version 1 Cloudbridge
Multiple Frameworks
Move away from spreadsheet chaos to manage your frameworks. Our solutions enable you to organize, manage and integrate multiple frameworks in one centralized repository. Easily report on the same data across multiple frameworks, which you have the ability to continue to update and alter as required. Reduce the cost and complexity of multiple frameworks.
Confidence Assured
From source to submission every aspect of the ESG reporting process is controlled and audited. You can publish your ESG data to critical stakeholders with the confidence that your data is accurate and consistent. You will be audit-ready with complete traceability, data lineage, and transparency throughout the entire ESG process.
Narrative Plus+
Create and publish fantastic-looking reports securely and collaboratively. Seamlessly integrate ESG data into report packs and disclosures with ease and control. Remove the headache of version control and approvals with everyone working on the same document facilitated by customised workflows and approvals.

Why Version 1?

Our services are designed to align to every ESG scenario, whether it be determining which framework is applicable to your business, if you want an advanced analytics view of your ESG compliance, or if you want to automate the deployment of ESG disclosure reporting rapidly to your critical stakeholders. We have the skills and systems to help you.

Contact us to learn how Version 1 can make a difference for your business today and accelerate your ESG journey.