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Digital Government 2020

November 12, 2020


Proud Sponsors of Digital Government 2020

Version 1 was delighted to sponsor this year’s Digital Government 2020 virtual event, which provided a valuable opportunity to bring together key stakeholders to gain insight into the government’s objectives for digital transformation and hear directly from those responsible for driving this forward.

The size of the digital transformation market has exploded in recent years – driven largely by organisational needs to serve changing customer preferences and enhance operational efficiency.  This has been enabled by the rapid proliferation of mobile devices and apps, the increasing penetration of IoT, the growing adoption of cloud services, and the need to improve operational performance to gain competitive benefits in the market.  It is therefore inevitable that most nations are now tackling the challenge of creating a smarter, digital government. There has perhaps been no bigger challenge in recent times than what we are currently facing – the coronavirus pandemic – something that has sharply brought into focus the need for public service organisations to be responsive, resilient and agile.

The virtual event featured a range of expert speakers, including the following:

  • Bill McCluggage, Managing Director, Laganview Associates
  • Ignatius O’Doherty, Director of Digital Shared Services, NICS Enterprise Shared Services
  • Alex Butler, Chief Digital and Information Officer, University of Bath
  • Deirdre Mussen, Digital Transformation Consultant, Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
  • Ashling Cunningham, CIO, Ervia
  • Orla McCann, ONSIDE Project Manager, Disability Action
  • Seamus McErlean, Commissioning Lead, Health and Social Care Board
  • Soo Hun, Programme Manager, Health and Social Care Board
  • Victoria McCallum, IT Contractor, LALC Consulting
  • Tim Willoughby, Head of Digital Services and Innovation, An Garda Síochána
  • Dan West, Chief Digital Information Officer, Department of Health
  • Deborah Colville, City Innovation Manager and Head of Smart Belfast, Belfast City Council
  • Francine Hillemand, Digital Transformation Manager, Education Authority
  • Tom Gormley, Digital Project Manager, Invest Northern Ireland

Version 1’s Principal Consultant Ronan Laffan, hosted an insightful session on ”Transforming the Public Sector Through Technology” – more information on his talk can be found below.

Learn more about Version 1’s Digital Services to efficiently deliver digital solutions and effectively engage with end-users.

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Transforming The Public Sector Through Technology – 09:05

Digital transformation is not just about bringing IT systems into existing public services, it involves truly reimagining how we develop policy, how we interact with citizens, how we operate those services effectively, how we continuously respond and evolve to improve those services. The current Covid-19 crisis places new strains and presents new challenges for most areas within the public sector, but it also gives an opportunity to reassess how those services could be transformed through technology. Ronan discusses how service innovation should start with data, and how great services are timely, easy to interact with and efficiently delivered while we must always control risks of bias and fairness as we move from paper processes to automated ones.