Software Asset Management
Manage risk, optimise cost in your software estate
Take Control of your Enterprise Software Estate
Without SAM processes in place many businesses either drift into non-compliance or do not gain the value expected from their software investment.
Software Asset Management (SAM) is a practice that enables companies to understand and manage software buying and usage patterns, inventory details, future requirements and contractual terms
and conditions, which can result in considerable savings in license purchase costs and support fees, and protection from the risk of license non-compliance, on-premises and in the cloud.

Our Approach to Effective Software Asset Management
Version 1’s SAM Managed Service underpinned by Control, delivers certainty on enterprise vendor software license consumption and assurance on your business’ IT compliance position.
With Version 1’s range of SAM Managed Services, you can avoid unnecessary costs, accurately plan for future software license purchases and avoid any stress from a software vendor audit.
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Download the Version 1 Control datasheet

What to do if your in-house resource is struggling to manage license compliance.
If your in-house IT resource is struggling to control your software license estate, you could very easily and unwittingly become non-compliant leading to expensive fines, unbudgeted cost, and disruption to your business.
Version 1’s Brian Lavelle and Jason Pepper discuss what to do to manage limited in-house SAM skills and explain the benefits of partial or full software asset management outsourcing.