Meet Some of Version 1’s Women In Tech

Off the back of being recognised as the 4th Best Workplace for Women by Great Place To Work UK®, we spoke to  Freda Assamany,  Nazli Singh, and Swapna Alladi to discuss their journey to a career in tech, advice to those looking to join the tech workforce, their role models, and more!

Freda Assamany

Role: Delivery Manager

When did you join Version 1: Joined in January through the acquisition of Automation Logic

What 3 words would best describe you: Determined, friendly, confident

How did you end up working in the Tech Sector?

I sort of fell into tech. I studied law so this is as far from that I can get. I wouldn’t say I am necessarily in tech as I am not technically inclined, but I love working with people and have always been good at that as well as managing projects.

What would you like to say to your younger self when looking at career options?

Not all careers are obvious…. Sometimes, look to the obscure! Find what you enjoy and see if someone can pay you to enjoy doing it.

Do you have any role models?

My father. He always said to do things like you were winning a prize for it.

Any advice for someone looking to get into tech?

Networking and finding the right people to ask the right questions.


Nazli Singh

Role: Associate AWS DevOps Engineer

When did you join Version 1: 20th July 2022

What 3 words would best describe you: Dreamer, supportive, honest

What were your career aspirations starting out vs how they panned out?

Throughout my life, I’ve held aspirations of being a pilot, archaeologist, physicist, hotelier, voice actor, game developer, and various other professions. However, I never considered a career in IT or Tech since I believed it would be too challenging. The typical image of a tech expert didn’t seem to align with my personality, making the whole industry seem daunting. But when Covid-19 significantly impacted the hospitality field, I began to question my purpose and future. Consequently, after returning from furlough, I resigned from my job and dedicated myself to learning new skills and entering the tech/cloud realm. Since then, I haven’t regretted my decision and take pride in my accomplishments.

What would you like to say to your younger self when looking at career options?

It’s important to prioritise your own goals and aspirations rather than feeling pressured by others’ opinions. Select a career path that aligns with your interests and passions, as you’ll be dedicating a significant portion of your day to it. Don’t hesitate to explore new opportunities and shift directions if necessary.

Do you have any role models?

I have had the honour and privilege of having a few key people come into my life as mentors and sponsors who have believed in me and helped me to learn vital lessons, guide me and support me in my personal and professional life. I have a few role models that I look up to, and do try to either emulate or embrace certain traits that I admire and wish for myself, and always welcome and treasure their advice and opinions.

Any advice for someone looking to get into tech?

To achieve success in your desired field, it’s important to focus on your chosen path and study diligently. Building a strong foundational knowledge is key, so make sure to understand the material thoroughly. With so many certifications available, it’s easy to get overwhelmed, but seeking guidance from a mentor or someone experienced in your field can be invaluable. Remember to enjoy the learning process, and don’t be discouraged if you hit a plateau, especially if you’re new to the subject. Keep pushing forward and you’ll achieve your goals.

Swapna Alladi

Role: Senior Azure DevOps Consultant

When did you join Version 1: June 2021

What 3 words would best describe you: Creative, analytical, and determined.

How did you get into the Tech Sector? Was it always the goal to work within this space?

In the early 2000s, everyone wanted to get into Computer science. With tough competition, I managed to secure a place in a premier college. I got a Degree in Computer Science Engineering and there was no turning back after that. The knowledge I gained during those years built a good foundation for my career in tech.

What would you like to say to your younger self when looking at career options?

Technology is rapidly changing, build self-worth, be brave and try new things. Look to build your network, it can make a huge difference in your career.

Do you have any role models?

Honestly speaking, a role model doesn’t have to be a big iconic individual. Working with a good bunch of people around me helped me evolve into a better professional.

Any advice for someone looking to get into tech?

Always research the market, invest time to upskill yourself, and be open-minded. Technology is not just about computers, there are a lot of different roles and skills needed and so many different things you can do within the industry, so my advice would be – just go for it!

Explore our career opportunities here.
Read more about Version 1’s Women in Tech team.

About Version 1

Version 1 proves that IT can make a real difference to our customers’ businesses. We are trusted by global brands to deliver IT services and solutions which drive customer success. Our team of difference-makers work tirelessly to provide independent advice and deliver impactful changes to help our customers navigate the rapidly changing Digital-First world we live in. Our greatest strength is balance in our efforts to achieve Customer Success, Empowered People and a Strong Organisation, underpinned by a commitment to our values. We believe this is what makes Version 1 different and more importantly, our customers agree.