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Oracle E-Business Suite ASPIRE Managed Service

Partner with Experts to Realise Operational Excellence

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Oracle E-Business Suite Managed Services

Evolve your Oracle E-Business Suite estate into a value-generating, intelligent engine of innovation and sustained business outcomes optimised for your organisation’s needs.

Version 1’s Oracle E-Business Suite ASPIRE Managed Service simplifies the implementation of E-Business Suite features and functionality upgrades, proactively monitors the health and cost optimisation of your infrastructure and underpins user governance within your E-Business Suite estate.

Partnering with a full-stack and multi-disciplinary managed services partner eliminates the headache of managing your day-to-day support and maintenance requirements internally. Through our comprehensive ASPIRE OracleE-Business Suite Managed Services offering, Version 1’s team of business analysts, and technical and functional experts, take ownership of the tasks that distract you from what really matters; driving your business objectives and strategic initiatives.

We can support, enhance, and optimise your application estate regardless of its size, age, technology, complexity, or who built it – from bespoke applications to commercial off the shelf products; legacy systems to modern application estates; on-premise to cloud-hosted solutions; non-production to mission-critical systems – we have a service offering that meets your unique requirements.

ASPIRE Managed Services Features

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Value Level Agreements

At Version 1, we believe a better approach is to shift the focus from standard Managed Services SLA to a VLA – a Value-Led Agreement.

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Optimisation & Adoption

Working with businesses to enable them to take full advantage of new functionality as soon as it is available, delivering long term, measurable return on investment.

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Business Continuity

Ensuring a stable, fully tested solution while diverting all upgrade activity into strategically scheduled E-Business Suite Boosters to ensure continuity of service, underpinned by the latest in automated testing technology.

“The client’s highly experienced CIO, while celebrating the successful Go-Live (of the Oracle E-Business Suite Managed Service), complimented the team, stating that in his career, he has seen only two programmes of this scale be so successful, and this is one of them.”

CIO, International Airline

Ready to reimagine the potential of your Oracle E-Business Suite Estate?