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Making Tax Digital

Making Tax Digital will see the introduction of simple, secure and personalised digital tax accounts for businesses and individuals in the UK. It will replace existing complex, costly and time-consuming tax processes and lead to the abolition of the annual tax return.

From £85 + 20% VAT

What is it and how does it work?

Making Tax Digital for Business is a key part of the British government’s plans to make it easier for individuals and businesses to get their tax right and keep on top of their affairs. Taxpayers will be able to view an up to date picture of their tax affairs, providing greater certainty about tax due and entitlements. Targeted guidance will make them aware of relevant obligations, entitlements and reliefs.
From April 2019, most businesses will be required to make, preserve, and then submit existing VAT records electronically.

Transforming tax administration

Making Tax Digital is making fundamental changes to the way the tax system works so that it is:

More Effective

Tax recording will be more accurate, providing fewer opportunities for errors, miscalculations and fraudulent activity.

More Efficient

The process will be faster and more automated for businesses, accountants and HMRC, helping them save valuable time.

Easier for taxpayers to get their tax right

With the right software, Making Tax Digital will make it easier for small businesses to record and file their tax returns online.

Only £85 + 20% VAT

1 Year

Early subscribers 1st year runs until June 2020.

The prices provided are per VAT registration number.

Only £150 + 20% VAT

2 Years

The prices provided are per VAT registration number.

Making Tax Digital Product Overview

Our Solution

To meet the April 2019 requirements of Making Tax Digital, Version 1 has developed a client based .NET application, with the following key elements:

• Easy to use bridging tool between any spreadsheet-based VAT return and HMRC
• Listed on HMRC ‘Software for VAT’ portal
• Submit, review, retrieve functionality
• Finance system agnostic
• One-click install
• Developed in accordance with HMRC APIs’
• Available to any organisation governed by the new HMRC rules

Note: Version 1’s Making Tax Digital Solution is only available to existing Version 1 customers.